also i forgot now the millitary is trying to lessen or ban tobacco with the next 20 yrs. R U for real. If anyone needs a smoke its the men and woman serving overseas. If there are any millitary people here posting what r ur thoughts on this
i guess im just try to vent and c if anyone else that smokes out there has the same feelings as i do. I just get tired of all the bs we have to put up with. Where banning smoking in bars and resturans. Or being at the beach just minding my buis and people walking by with there kids giving me dirty looks because im smoking at the beach. Or for being pulled over b/c i was smoking a black and mild and some stupid pig thought it was a blunt.
To all my smokers out there wheter it be green or tobacco arent you getting tired of all the BS. I mean i went to the moives and had to sit through on of those dumb a## Truth commecials. Really Truth smoking is bad for you i didnt know. Wow you really have opened my mind up. And those stupid commecials regarding weed. Like the one where 2 friends get done smoking, they are playing with a gun and one kid shoots the other by mistake. Do you really think that would happen in real life. Yeah maybe if the kids were 6. Whats next are they going to ban smoking in your house and car if your driving to work. Ahhhh im just tired of non smokers telling us how to live our lives. If any one else agrees i would like to here ur thoughts. and last what about the weed ad that states if you buy weed you are supporting terroist. Really are we supporting terroist if the weed is produced in the USA
I love true blood and many of my coworkers watch the show. Every Monday we all come in and the first thing we talk about is the show from the night before. I was wondering r we crazy b/c we all would turn vampire if they were real. Me personally i would love for Jessica to turn me over. Ur thoughts
All good points guys. I just gotta stand up 4 my Bucks b/c the guy with the Pitt peng noted OSU cannot win BCS games. Well they did win the 2003 nat title game and beat Notre Dame and Kansas State(when they were good) in the feista bowl which were BCS games. I give the SEC respect b/c I love all college football but i guess sometimes when you live in the heart of sec country it gets old sometimes.
As a lover of college football who lives in jax fl i have come to despise SEC football fans. They act like there conference is the only conference in college football. Do they realize prior to 1990's the only dominate team in the leauge and nation wide was Alabama. Florida had never won a sec title prior to the 1990s. LSU had 1 title in i belive 1954. Yes they have been dominate of late but it goes in cycles. A Big 12 team has won 2 nat titles in this decade and OU has played in the title game 4 times. Nebraska was in the 2001 title game as well. Texas Beat USC but it seems the perception is the SEC is the best. The Big 12 can make just as strong of a case. Im a Ohio State fan and we have one 1 nat title, been to 3 title games, and 6 BSC bowl games. In 2006 Michigan was one win away for playing for the national championship but OSU beat them. Plus the SEC Hardly ever goes outside of the conference to play good teams. And they never remeber games they lost. Nebraska smoked UF in the 96 game(yes i know Uf Smoked us) Michigan has beaten UF twice this decade in bowl games. USC trounced Ark and Auburn at both of there houses. Tenn got thrashed at CAL and lost to UCLA. Iowa beat LSU when they had jamarus russell in the outback bowl. Ok enough from me what r ur thoughts .
O-H-IO Pete Rose Barry Larkin Lebron James Jerry Lucas Ben Rothlesberger AJ Hawk Chris Beanie Wells Paul Brown(not a athelete but coached football championships in high school, Ohio State, and won NFL Titles plus help create 2 nfl Franchises. Eddie George Troy Smith Desmond Howard Kevin Youklis Ken Griffey Jr (not sure if born in cincinnat but played hs baseball at moller Many others im forgetting
I was wondering why x box 360 has not produced a college baseball game. I like mlb2k9 and the big series but dose any know why the 360 has not made a college baseball game. I remeber one was made for xbox but none have came out since. I think it would be a great game. I dont understand bc they make college football and basketball so why not baseball. Is it because not may people watch college baseball until the college ws. Just seeing if any other sports gamers would be interested in seeing this type of game
thx guys but nba street homecourt is act pt 4 of the sereis they other games came out for x box streeet home court was the first version on x box 360. b4 it was just call nba street homecourt was added on the last instalment
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