OK, this isn't much but...
At the end of a year, we always have an assembly, and it wasn't different in 3rd grade. We did our school chant and congratulated the 5th graders, and the principal talked for a minute. Then, she announced some changes in the school: Some teachers were leaving the school. I thought, "Well, as long as it's not one of mine..." They were Mr. D, Mrs. K, and Mrs. B. I started cheering in my mind at first, but then I realized: those were my teachers from my previous years!! Mr. D was my 1st grade teacher, Mrs. K was my 2nd grade teacher, and Mrs. B was my 3rd grade teacher. I was shocked that all of my teachers so far at school retired and left forever!! How was I supposed to get advice about 4th grade?!?!?!?
Later, when I was in 6th grade (jr. high school), I learned so more news: My 4th/5th grade teacher got married, my friend's teacher became assistant principal, they added a playground for the kindergarten kids, and they got a better auditorium. I said to myself, "Sure. Change the school and make it nicer AFTER we leave!"
I can't think of any other memories, so this concludes "Elementary School Memories"