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Ruse: noun, French to Old French, roundabout path taken by the fleeing game, trickery.

Yes, that is the word that I got out on in the spelling bee. I feel like a f***ing idiot. I mean, who the hell spells ruse wrong?! I guessed because I didn't know the word, and said rouse, not ruse. I feel more of an idiot, because the rest of the words I freakin' knew, and ruse was the only one I didn't know (seriously!)

It's not over yet. There are still 3 contestants left, including the guy who I really wanted to beat. (see one of my previous blogs. I think it's called Spelling Bee!) I didn't even beat him! I was surprised when my friends didn't kill me, even touch me at all. I rejected their, "It's OK,"'s because, well, it wasn't. Not for me.

Anyway, thanks for listening to me rant. And I apologize again for not posting links. I'm still kinda pissed to do that.
