The new guitar seems pretty cool, 6 buttons 3 top and 3 bottom instead of 5 straight down the neck.
Not sure how I feel about being able to look and walk around on stage, seems like something that I won't use unless it's forced and that's just a bad idea.
Not liking the song choice so far even though they've only mention a few songs/bands (fallout boy, the killers, Ed Sheeran, Of Monsters and Men, American Authors, Gary Clark Jr) I've only ever heard of the killers and fallout boy and not a fan of either of those.
The playing while watching the music video is kinda cool I guess.
From what I've heard, all of this will work across all consoles AND on mobiles and tablets if you have the guitar peripheral. Not sure what that means but sounds like you will only need one guitar for multiple different version of the game.
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