No More Heroes (Grasshopper Manufacture) Little King's Story (Cing & Town Factory) Rune Factory Frontier (Neverland) Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga (K2) Arc Rise Fantasia (imageepoch)
Xbox 360 2008 You're in the Movies (Codemasters) Race Pro (Atari) Naruto: The Broken Bond (Ubisoft) Guilty Gear 2: Overture (Aksys Games) Dance Dance Revolution Universe 3 (Konami)
Xbox 360 TBA Star Ocean: The Last Hope (Square Enix) Project Progressive (Tecmo) Mobile Ops: The One Year War (Namco Bandai Games) Far East of Eden Ziria (Hudson) Dead or Alive: Code Chronos (Tecmo)
PS3 TBA Yakuza 3 (Sega) Way of the Samurai 3 (Spike) Quantum Theory (Tecmo) Nobi Nobi Boy (Bandai Namco) LA Noire (Rockstar Games) Final Fantasy Versus XIII (Square Enix) Bumpy Trot 2 (Irem)
32.47 GB 22.83 PS2 21.59 PS 19.23 NES 17.15 SNES 16.47 GBA 5.74 Saturn 5.70 DS (shipping faster than every handheld/console before it) 5.54 N64 4.20 PSP (shipping at a rate close to the PS2) 3.98 GC 3.58 Genesis 2.30 DC 1.78 Game Gear 1.80 XBox 1.00 Xbox360
- Microsoft and Sony include the rest of asia in their figures.
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