i just don't understand if I'm supposed to assume that the game would recieve an identical score or both consoles, and if that is the case, than why is it always the Xbox that recieves the score and not the PS.
codyheff's forum posts
1) Where/What did you get your PSN Name from?
A: JJ_Moody_Man: Back in middle school in the art class I had to take, it was the name we gave to this ball of clay with eyes. The name stuck.
2) Does your PS3 take up most, if not ALL of your day?
A: Not at all. I play when I can, its fun, but I row and work a lot too.
3) What game did you have THE MOST FUN with?
A: I just got mine within the last month so I haven't gotten into anyone game yet, but Assassin's Creed was bomb!
4) Do you think the PS3 is done after 2008?
A: It better not be. I think it has a hell of a lot more potential to be revealed and games will keep coming. Cross your fingers.
5) How much did you pay for your PS3?
A: Well, to start I would get video games REALLY cheap at a 'flea market' and than take them back to Best Buy to get store credit. So after doing that for a while, I ended up paying only $35 dollars cash plus the gift cards I had accumulated.
6) Last question, If YOU could make one game and put it on the PS3, What would it be about? ( Keep it clean )
A: Something on an airplane (or starting there could be tight). You might than land at an airport and continue the advernture there. Maybe something where you have to fend off an evil force (zombie, alien, monster, ect).
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Aight, cool survey bro.
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