So here we sit, Feb 9th.
In about a months time we will be getting an onslaught of PS3 games, and even a couple 360 games.
But what happened to the AAA titles that were set for March?
Where is Lair? What happened to Heavenly Sword?
I love my PS3, it is one hell of a console, and it gets better with every Firmware, but now what we need is some games damnit.
When I was the trailer for Heavenly Sword at E3 2005, yes... 2005, I knew then and there I was getting a PS3. The cost ddint matter, the release date of the console didnt matter, all I knew was I have to play this game.
Then we hear it is a launch title. Woohooo! Lets rejoice, oh wait, delays, ok a Feburary title, ok, kinda bummed, but not bad, I have R:FOM, and about 15 PS2 games to motor throught. Well Feb is apon us and now I have mixed info, EB says June, IGN syas FORTH QUARTER!!!!, and Futureshop is still locked in at Feb 15th, oh how I wish...
So why is it so damn hard to get some PS3 games in the market. Surely game developement has been going on for more than a year, so what the hold up?
Guess I will have to go back to playing Dirge of Cerberus (shudder) until we get some of the promised March titles.
At least I can look forward to R6: Vegas, Motorstorm, SC: Double Agent and God of War 2.