@gufberg After what happened with the rich CEOs of the banks and such over the last few years, no one has much sympathy left for CEOs in general. Add to that the fact that this is EA and it is quite fashionable to hate on EA (not saying they don't deserve it), and this guy is not going to find many supporters of his "plight".
Call me when they cut his salary to something actually deserved, like less than the people who do the real work to make the games and products that earn his salary, then this is news. Otherwise this is just yet another corporate executive that has nothing at all to complain about with his now 6 figure salary.
@phbz Exactly! We've seen a picture of the controller, a rendered one at that, nothing more. None of us have seen it in use or even tried it ourselves. It could be crap, it might be great, we have no way of knowing yet. Anyone who is definitively declaring one way or the other is just talking out their ass.
@Daian I know plenty about the mechanics of a mouse. What I don't know yet, and neither do you, is anything about the mechanics of this controller. We have no idea how precise it might be until we actually use it.
@Mr_BillGates The button placement kind of bugs me too. I'm thinking of the games that already have controller support and expect you to be using those buttons with one hand, how are they going to play with such a radically different design?
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