Wow, it doesn't even have in-game voice chat? That's terrible, more reason for me not to hook up my ps3 for some time.
cokpolian's forum posts
XBL is better than PSN in everyway except the fee which doesn't even matter because taco bell workers shouldn't own game systems. Party chat, way more people play it, gears 2 with your friends, I don't know about you but every kid in my high school hates ps3 and loves 360. MGS4 = boring movie, medicore online, average at best gameplay. Uncharted was a good 8 hr rent. 2 will be the same. Overall I have lots of dust on my ps3 and wish It was half as user friendly as xbl.
does this game have a physics engine or euphoria type of thing? And why is the blood and death animations look so stupid and unrealistic at times? When will games have great death animations with euphoria as a standard and bullet holes with realistic blood flowing out? It's been how many years of shooters and still not one has this? Except maybe GTA4 minus the bullet holes.
Even though PS3 has some pretty decent exclusives more than 360, multiplatform games will always be better on 360 because better online, more people play it and it has a better feel/interface. KZ2 is nowhere near as good as Gears 2. MGS4 is a boring movie. So infamous and uncharter will only get some dust off my ps3.
To be honest, I wasted my money on a ps3 IMO... MGS4 is totally overhyped... only story addicts will really like it, the gameplay is average at best. KZ2 is nowhere near as good as gears of war 2. Multiplatform games are better on 360 simply because way more people have it and nobody I know even wants a ps3. The online is better and don't say it's bad because you have to pay like 5 bucks a month for it.
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