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coldstorm21 Blog

crybabies in cod 4

So i've been playing cod for a long time now, and for as long as i can remember people have been crying about one thing or another. wether its the type of weapon somone is using or the perks. Whether they camp or pray and spray and last but deffinetely not least there are modders and laggers.

Now getting started i would just like to say that i too have done my share of complaining, but who hasn't honestly. if you look at the thing i listed above and not a single one pisses you off, then your full of crap. I know that when an entire team uses a grenade launcher off the start (spawn killing another nusence to some) or imediatley sprays through walls together with lmgs it gets old and this is where trouble ensues. Because the people shooting think that what they are doing is cool or alright. They think hey if the makers didnt want you to do it that you shouldnt be able to.Wrong! your maker made it so you can jump offf bridges and walk out in traffic but do you do it? No because that would be stupid. just like a whole team noob tubing or pre firing together. Now im not saying or crying that they shouldnt do it at all but at least add a little skill to it. Be origional, not a noob. as for theguy crying "yeah you gotta prefire because you suck" no you suck because by now you should know where this kinda stuff happens and should take precautionary actions when heading into theses parts of the maps. For instense someone always prefires accross Bog, so strap on some extreme conditioning run out of there, trench crawl or just snipe em out before they can. Don't cry becausse you wern't good enogh to stop em.

Next i'd like to talk about perks, well mainly one. Juggernaut. Yes the one and only handycap perk. Now some might argue that its good beacause of pray and sprayers. Others just use it as an advantage. But either way im not a fan. I dont complain although i do get annyoed, because it is a part of the game im semi ok with it. I see it as a way to hone my skill. If you can take on a juggernaut head to head and own him every time then you've got some skill. Now for the cryers" yeah your skills are so bad you can't get a kill without having juggernaut". Who knows maybe they can, maybe thats why they wear it to make you mad enough to get off your game so they can own you. In all its apart of the game get over it.

Now onto the modders and laggers (by laggers i mean you people out there with your stadby switches). Guess what? The crybabies are right you suck, and im glad they complain about you, because you have zero skill. All the other things that people complain about are apart of the game, but you. You have to exploit and abuse the game the system and the signal to win. So congratuations your're a nancy , a sissy, and a coward. Be man enough to face somebody with out cheating. You know the worst part is, is that 90% of these people that i've come accross actually think there good. Its pathetic. Stop playing games and start learning some respect, because you obviousley dont respect other gamers, or the developers who make the games you play, or the systems that let you play them. Grow up!