As for unreal, COD4, and orange box I'm awaiting them all for PS3 (no matter how long the delays lol).
As for Hellgate, I don't even care if I break the NDA because I just cancelled my preorder. The beta was chalk full of bugs, which you would expect from a beta, but every patch that came out filled the game with more bugs rather than take some away. The latest patch gives you an infinite download loop while trying to load the game, which crashes to the desktop and restarts the game every time. Didn't happen before the patch. And I think having problems in an early beta is one thing, but the game is being SOLD at the end of the month (meaning it will start to be manufactured and distributed very soon) so these major bugs are really not acceptable in my opinion for an online-heavy game. As for gameplay, this is a personal feeling, as many would disagree with me, but it was completely bland, there was absolutely zero skill whatsoever. You hold the attack button, wait to kill the guy (rarely, RARELY dying), and move to the next guy. The bosses were the same, except you ran in circles while shooting/fighting, and it just took a few minutes to kill rather than seconds. This could completely change by retail, and you may find that type of gameplay fun and justifying, it just isn't for me; way too boring! I'm probably going to get raped by HG:L fans now, so see ya.
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