I won't lie, I bitched about the original 'ending' along with everyone else, but may I just say THANK YOU. Lucky I had a 'restart mission' right at the end of the game; got to see what my choice looked like and watched the rest on Youtube. I was pleasantly surprised and very excited. All I really wanted was some [relevant] explanation and not for certain things to blow up. As far as I'm concerned, it's fixed and completes my favorite series on an appropriately epic note. ^_^
1. God of War 2. Shadow of the Colossus 3. Gun (used to own) 4. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 5. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem with the exception of Eternal Darkness, I own(ed) all the other games because I really do like them A LOT and not just to seem cooler than I probably really am. I like Eternal Darkness, I just don't play it much - not just cos it's kinda scary but because I'm super stuck.
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