colt24's forum posts
Hey, when i pull off the last cut scene action when spiderman goes to punch the sandman in the face, my ps3 freezes, and all i can hear is the sound :S i've tried the same part atleast 3 times.. maybe a error in the game? its pre owned from game in the uk?
any help? thanks guys
why is it when i download a sony update it never downloads fully, and when it installs, it only goes to the % it downloaded to and jumps to 100% right away?
This is my 2nd ps3 and my first one never did it, this problem has happend for 3 updates...
Reason why i'm worried is because it may have not installed all the files ect. Theres nothing wrong with my net, I've updated at my uni home and at my home with 10 meg line....
I've phoned sony up loads of times, they give me different answers each time :D should i be worried?
Has anyone else have the same prob?
many thanks :D
I started to read a review i found from a magazine posted online, though i had to stop reading as it showed to much :(
Will you read GameSpots review which will be posted before the Gta game comes out?
whats PS3's upscaling, and smoothing ??
Sony was really good with me, They gave me a set date, and it came on that day. Took about 4 days... Nice and fast. I just phoned up and said it wasn't playing any games, and they just said, "OKAY WE SHALL GIVE YOU A NEW ONE, JUST GIVE US YOUR OLD PS3 TO THE GUY FOR THE SWAP"...This was for sony Uk though :)
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