@northArrow Yes, so disgusting that people are getting paid to do what they like, and that Visas are being given so that what's now an international sport with 20 million + viewers can travel unimpeded, oh how our country is ruined!
All you people talking about 'trolls' when its people that actually want it back. Not all of them, but a good amount.
There's far more than 20k that wanted the family sharing plan, and wanted a more Steam-like digital console. Its just that the uninformed and uneducated are the loudest amongst us (a lot of people here in this comment section for instance) and ruined a good thing.
You think Sony saved you? They will be doing it themselves with the PS5. They just wanted to take a jab at Microsoft using the retards that are the consumers of in the gaming industry.
It will be a good day when Regi retires for real. He can never admit he is wrong and he tears the team apart.
For those of you that don't know. What's happening between Xpecial and Regi is the same exact thing that happened between Regi and Chaox starting around a year ago. We saw how that turned out. Chaox became less and less enthused about playing the game, lost his edge and care for practice. Regi eventually (and rightfully) kicked him off the team. But the thing that most people (and Regi) don't realize is that if Regi would be an adult when it comes to disagreements...this kinda thing wouldn't happen.
Regi needs to grow up and have civilized discussion with his team. Its really a big difference between NA and the Asian scene. Asians have analysts that can resolve these arguements with facts. NA has the team owners just say NO I'M ALWAYS RIGHT!!! And that's why we lose.
@CDWJUSTIN I love how everyone says "omg, I replaced my system XXX amount of times and went to the other guy.
Its clear you didn't, and you are suffering from terrible self-esteem, as mentioned in the video. No one would replace either console 13 times. Especially since the warranties don't cover that many replacements and that would assume you paid out of pocket. Which would be even more unbelievable. They would simply give up on it. I wouldn't replace a toaster 13 times without just saying "**** it, I won't have poptarts anymore".
So nice try fanboi. You are proving the videos point.
@bongsyas_23 Except not really. According to your statement there, regular phones are really all about the core phone audience. They only make calls. The iPhone and every other smartphone out there have nothing to do with calls at all, just improving your internet experience.
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