@JSLEEK_78 Sony didn't get greedy with a 600 dollar price tag on the PS3.
Sony never lied to customers by saying they could install other OS's on the PS3 should they choose.
Sony never said that the game doesn't own their own console in court in front of a judge.
Sony is obviously the savior that will bring us to the promised land, right?
Oh wait, they did all of those things, and didn't take any of it back before the damage was done. At least MS is willing to change before it happens. Fanbois are just willing to overlook everything Sony has done and jump on a bandwagon to 'be cool'.
@Quarkzquarkz "The program" as you call it, is shitty production value on games. With more incentive to generate high amounts of revenue in short periods of time. Then cause high customer turnover due to lack of meaningful content...because who cares once they got some of your money...they don't want you to stay after that. You're merely taking up server space.5
Name a free to play MMO that's worth playing for more than a month, that you wouldn't have to pay at least 15 dollars a month to enjoy.
@NetBiosError That is a terrible analogy. That's like saying Windows 7 alienates everyone using Windows XP.
No, you can choose what you want, or upgrade or change. WoW is getting very dated. People are tired of playing the same game for 8 (going on 9 by the time this comes out) years. TES is a series with great lore, established games before hand with a HUGE fanbase. Just like Warcraft started out being.
I'm not saying the words "WoW Killer" but this is the first real competition WoW might have.
@Daian Guild Wars 2 is a ghost town. No one plays that game anymore. Why? Because a buy once game doesn't give enough revenue to generate any meaningful content.
TOR was a sub game that sucked because EA rushed it.
This is the best news that this game has ever had.
A subscription means it will be a real game, with real support and consistent content updates. All free to play MMOs are terrible. Period. They nickel and dime you, and they end up costing more than a sub fee. its a much better experience when you can gaurentee all of your players the same experience via a sub fee. Its why WoW was so successful. The reason why Guild Wars 2 is a ghost town is because they can't develop any real and meaningful content like the sub based games of old. Buy once games don't give enough revenue to grow and expand.
Yes, The Old Republic sucked. But that was due to being rushed out, and having a skeleton crew for updates. Even a FTP or a Buy Once game would have the same issues. That, and EA is the devil.
I'm usually not a fan of pre-ordering things, but since MMO territory has been a wasteland of suck and Bethesda/Zenimax are actually good at making full games with lots of replay value...I might just pre-order this one.
This is why you don't rush to preorder a console until knowing all the facts.
Hearing all these people cry about their console lineup (especially the PS4 fans, they are obnoxious right now) is hilarious. Grats on having a 400-500 brick that doesn't have good games for at least a year.
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