More than a few times, the only way I could afford a new game, was to trade in some old games. The industry is hurting itself by making people not want to buy used (and thus devaluing it somewhat). The result will be exactly what the author said. People like myself will simply not buy new games, or pirate them. And the companies deserve it.
Its funny how easily the uneducated masses are bought. Give them a couple free (read: bad) video games, and they will forget that you exposed over 100 million accounts to what can be a life ruining circumstance, identity theft. Its sad how bad humans as a species are. They have to pick something to cling to and NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, they need to defend it. Whether it be a corporation, or a political party, religious ideals, etc. Here's something those people have yet to realize: Sony, Apple, Microsoft, Nintendo all have one thing in common. They don't give a crap about you. They won't defend you, they won't help you unless there's something in it for them. They are there for one reason and that is to exploit your pocketbook for personal gain. Anyone with half a brain that is still blindly loyal to Sony, obviously is one of these indoctrinated people. And I feel sorry for them. In before 200 Sony fanbois vote this down and claim identity theft isn't that bad. Or before they say "security vulnerability is everywhere!" without admitting that this is the biggest secure information breach ever, and there are much bigger databases...yet somehow they remain untouched.
@Venge-VS I've made up my mind because of my knowledge of network security. The only reason I'm going on a tirade, is because of how early on I learned this knowledge in my studies. This is first year information. Also, I've made up my mind on this because there are a few things Sony has admitted themselves (not just from news articles) that proves the points. One, the obvious, credit card information was stolen. This means that the proper isolation wasn't happening, or they neglected to shut down the isolated area as soon as possible. Either way, their fault. Two, they admitted the SoE attack was from the same PSN attack. Which confirms point #1 of lack of isolation and too much shared infrastructure. Finally, you can find more than a few places where Sony claimed the PS3 unhackable, and where developers such as Infinity Ward said they did not like how all of Sony's security was on the client. Another security no no. So yes, I've made up my mind, but they are based off of admissions of Sony and testimony by other respected people working on their products. Not by any sort of biased publication.
@luciferbelmont That video means nothing for a few reasons. One, its just Sony's word, that isn't proof in any court. Two, Sony said the vulnerability is a known one, which is the bigger deal in that video. Firewalls, have them or not, are a minor layer of protection when it comes to advanced hackers. You need to have much more security in terms of authentications, data isolation and unchangable client IDs (not just MAC Addresses). They knew this was a vulnerability, they did nothing about it (it was even in a memo they found, that was ignored)
@CaptainHerlock Again, no one is saying its justified. Not once, did anyone say its justified. You are simply dodging the truth in the messages that Sony is to blame as well and keep coming back that "Well it wasn't right". Of course it wasn't right. Its also not right to let it happen. Its pretty obvious that you have made up your mind and refuse to see anything but your opinion (as seen by you ignoring half of the message of the people you are speaking with, and by your complete lies that you think are right about MMA) so there's no point in discussing it further.
@CaptainHerlock I think you are the only one here trying to say anything about hackers being blameless. Only extremists think that way, and most of us here on Gamespot, are not extremists. What we are saying though, is that Sony aided the hackers by having things on a silver platter. Not under lock and key. So to clarify for you this is the message.: HACKERS DID THIS, THEY ARE TO BLAME, but Sony is just as much to blame for unsecured network. They also violated the Data Protection Act of 1998, which is also a law by the way: by not having ample security.
@CaptainHerlock But it would be aggravated assault, which is a less penalty. Also the analogy wasn't there to say hackers are blameless. The analogy was there saying Sony was stupid for knowing of its security flaws (chin sticking out) and yet still aggravating the hacker community (daring them to punch). If you are going to do that, at least have a defense. Which they didn't. Also, in reference to your MMA remark, you have a clear case of homophobia if that's all you take from it. The strategy and skill it takes for any aspect of the sport (Wrestling, Jujitsu, Boxing, Maui Thai, etc) is enormous. More so than it takes to be able to catch a ball or run really fast. Let alone combining them together.
@tachsniper I hear you, PS3 Fanbois can never get over the fact that their company failed them. I have all consoles + a PC. I hate everything equally, except for the day Sony leaked out my information (twice, I had an SOE account too) due to poor network security/infrastructure. You people can argue about firewalls, encryptions, etc all you want. Guess what? SHARED INFRASTRUCTURE CAUSED THIS TO BE WORSE. ITS NETWORK SECURITY 101 TO ISOLATE SENSITIVE DATA. They will downvote and cry and everything else, but its only to shield themselves from the truth.
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