1. World of Warcraft: Have yet to play it but everything I have heard spoken about it lends to the fact it would be a great game to have to play for the rest of my life. But it could have just as easily be Oblivion or something. 2. Street Fighter II: Its like the best fighting game ever and given that I get to pick 4 other games for variety this is a no brainer because you would never get bored of it. 3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: My runner up favorite game of all time gets the nod ahead of 1st place Metal Gear Solid because it has way more hours thus making it a more sensible selection. 4. Lumines: Its my favorite ever game in the Tetris like puzzle game field. Perfect for a little light gaming without having to think too much. Plus I really like the music and the visual style. 5. Call of Duty: Wanted a shooter in there for some action gaming and I debated many choices but finished up with this one. No particular reasoning other then luck of the draw. So that it. I also would have liked to have said Final Fantasy VII as much as I hate the game play in FF games the promise os 100s of gaming with interesting story and chacracter was almost too much to pass up. Would also liked to have said the likes of Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil 4, Silent Hill 2 and Onimusha and the like but I know given eternity with them they would get on my nerves after a while.
Games I probably should have played but haven't: - Unreal Tournament 2K4 didn't get around to it, will fix this. - World of Warcraft just didn't want to invest in it. - Final Fantasy VIII because VII turned me off the series. - Halo/Halo 2 take your pick, no interest in it. - Guitar Hero for now because it only just come out in Australia and I dont have my copy yet.
1. Final Fantasy VII - I hate turned based games but everyone loved it and I wanted to love it too. I just couldnt get past how boring I find the game play toyed with it for no more then 20 minutes and now its only purpose is to collection dust and make my collection a little prettier. Wouldnt give it up for the world. 2. Resident Evil 4 - Wasnt I fan of ANY of the other RE games. I had played 1 for all of 10 minutes and never touched the series again. But something about the way people talked about that game made me want to have it too. Luckily as it turns out I loved it. 3. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - I loved GTAIII but thats about it. Once I was done with that game I was over the whole GTA phenomenon. But the rest of the world wasnt. I resisted buying Vice City but I caved when I got GTA:SA and I dont like it that much. 4. Masters of the Universe Heman: Defender of Greyskull - I loved the original show when I was a kid and I still love it know. I bought this game because every Heman fan should have it right? Wrong its terrible as a recreation of a classic cartoon and as a game on its own merits its barely tolerable. But knowing what I know today I would buy it again in a heart beat. 5. Gran Turismo - I hate racing simulators, they are boring to me prefering to play something more fast and arcade like I guess. You could forgive me getting 1 and getting burnt. But I got 3 AND I got 4 as well. I have barely played 4 and never played 4. Thank god I never had to pay for either one.
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