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Changing Times

Well its easy to look back on the day and remember when things were just a bit easier. The world was a much better place then it is now. Gas was one dollar a gallon, and video games were only 30 to 40 dollars a piece. Most importantly we had a good president.

Now things are crazy. Bush destroys this economy with his greed and lust for a legacy, and gas is five dollars a gallon and video games are outragous costing 60 bucks a piece.

Just in the last month inflation has caused my electric, and cable bill to sky rocket an extra 100 bucks. Man I remember when we use to freak out if gas went to 1.25 a gallon. back then it would take 10 or 15 bucks to fill up the tank. Now it takes me almost 80 for my explorer. Also with the supply and demand of what bush has done the inflation has reached an all time high. The economy is broken, I blame it on that hick of a president who is just trying to get out of his daddies shadow.

Well good job bush. You officially get your legacy as the worst president in history, and tarnish your families good name. I dont understand why we would elect him not once but twice. Well technically he cheated and lost the first so he really was only elected once. Man if Gore was inagurated like he should have been this economy would have been totally different.

See what people dont realize is that bush is an oil mogul so the higher gas prices go the more money he makes. A president makes about 2 million a year. However bush is making hundreds of millions in the past eight years because of his deals with oil companies. So think about that next time he gives a speech trying to address us like he cares that we cant afford gas. Also if your a soldier and well let me rephrase that, if your a combat soldier that went and fought in war, and actually fought. You will realize that this supposed war is bogus, and is just a way for bush to say he dealt with something to cover up his list long of mistakes.

Another thing to think about is that now the next presidential candidates are saying that they will pull the troops out. The only honest one here is McCain. Im not saying that cause im a republican. Im saying that because its true. Now we are in a position where the president has no power to say that they are pulling the troops out. The ones that can dictate this is Congress and Congress only. However the problem lies there is that they are all getting to rich off of this as the rest of society suffers a great deal. It goes to show you if we have the greatest government in the world, just how screwed up is the rest of the world compared to us. The dollar is giong down as more political millionaires are born every day.

As much as I hate to say it, I feel as if though we need a democrat in office for atleast the next four years to try to get us out of this multi trillion dollar deficit, and help our prices go down. We need to choose carefully our next elected official because it will either make or break us. I am a Republican but I dont let that blind me from the truth. I just care about who will get the job done.