First off let me start by saying if you dont like what i have to say then you dont have to read it. If you do and dont like it then thats your own personal opinion. See opinions are like a%$holes and everyone has one. Unfortunately we live within a society where if you speak your mind and you refuse to be a puppet then people get there panties in a bunch and cry.
Look i could care less, report and ban me from this website. I am a valuable asset to this country and I fight for you and the funny thing is most of you are puppets that when there told to say jump you say How high Daddy. Cry me a river and play it on the worlds smallest violen.
You will not sensor me and if you try then you will be destroyed. Merry christmas and happy new years chumps. Also all these kids with this fanboy garbage makes me sick to my stomach. I am a fanboy a fan of gaming and thats what it should be about chumps. Boo hoo the mean man said something I dont like and im going to call daddy. Well Mod this fools.
MY NAME IS Sgt. Solomon
and if you dont like it then you know where you can kiss it.