Im being pounded by a category 3 hurricane right now and it will be sitting right over my island for the next 3 days. On top of that it has rained for 15 days straight. I dont understand. I believe its called monsoon season. Even though my house in the mountains in the rain forest. Generally I dont have to worry about flooding. This time I do. They are doing mandatory evacuations all over the island. Now other islands will be affected but mine is the worst and will suffer severely. So far we have been hit by every cane this season. However this one is by far the worst and will cause serious damage. If I am not online for a while, it is because the power is out and or im not home due to going to stay with other relatives. My wife is driving me crazy making us leave our home for the next day or two. If the internet is up at my inlaws home then I will continue to keep you updated.
Normally I dont worry but this time for the first time since Hugo many years ago, I am actually worried about a storm. Plus with the severe rains for 15 past days plus now this, Flooding is on a massive scale. Now I dont think and I pray nothing happens to my home. The home is made out of solid concrete and steel beams to withstand tough conditions. I just finished paying off my mortgage. That would suck if something happened to it. Not to mention all my thousands of dollars of electronics.
So im taking my wife and my kids to her parents home on the other part of the island. I really dont want to but as I said, my wife is freaking out and I am just calm like nothings serious. I have to remain strong for my family and not show them any signs of the fact that im worried. Especially since they are all scared. I have been through much worse so I am not scared but im a little worried about the home. It should be okay as I previously stated but thats all up to God and mother nature. God Bless and talk to you soon.
Your king of review,
Your leader,
Sgt. Solomon aka combatsoldier