Alright people now dont pee on yourself or send me hate mail. This is my blog and my opinion and if you dont like it, well that is just to bad. Here we go. As of right now in my professional gaming opinion as a vetern gamer Xbox 360 is superior right now. The reason being is because well xbox 360 obviously has better online servers and capability. Not to mention very very deep pockets. However the gameing library isnt bad either so that helps a lot.
The xbox has more games in 1080p. Most games on PS3 mostly go up to 720p. Now dont cry and start flaming. Listen to my logic. The other side of the coin is that 360 has maxed out its capability. The PS3 has barely tapped into its potential. There is a reason for this. For one the developers are to lazy and said the PS3 is to hard for them to program right now and the other reason is due to my theory.
Playstation is purposely holding back. The reason is because in 2010 Xbox and Nintendo are releasing there new consoles. The PS3 needs to last for ten years or atleast until 2015. So if they do everything now then people will be like okay whatever. So when the new consoles launch you will see sony definitely step up to the plate and match whatever technology is available.
Dont ever forget. The PS3 was launched as a computer system, not as a gaming console. Then when they saw that route wouldnt work and sales were horrible, they quickly changed there tactics. The bottom line is I prefer playing my Xbox right now, however I can not deny that the PS3 is much much more powerful and will truly be a console around for a ten year period. They built it like this for a reason. Everyone was criticizing Sony for the price etc.
First off I payed 500 for my xbox and 600 for my PS3 cause I bought both consoles when they were still young and virgin like. Any ways, The PS3 is a computer system that can do everything and literally has endless capability and unlimited upgrade potential through softwhere that can be purchased and downloaded. The fact is that xbox can not.
On another note, The xbox has better feautures this is true, but the PS3 will soon have all those feautures. They are as I stated previously.. Waiting for the right time.
This one is important. I am sick and tired of people complaining that the xbox gets the red ring bla bla bla. Guess what. All systems break. I had a red ring of death as recently as 1 year and a couple of months ago. Not a problem. Microsoft took it and sent me a brand new one completely free plus a whole bunch of bonus content. On the same note, My PS3 broke within the first week I bought it. If a Playstation had the red ring of death it would be the same thing. All consoles and platforms break now and again. So stop saying oh this console is better and breaks less blah blah blah. They all break the same amount.
A trick you can use to keep it from over heating is putting it in a very open space high up. The key component is making sure the vents on the consoles can actually vent. You dont want it to store heat or circulate heat. The biggest problem is people stack it on or stack stuff on top of the consoles. Dont do that. These are expensive delicate pieces of equipment and should be treated as such. Now it doesnt matter if they stand up or not just make sure they arent shoved into a wall unit and or stacked then you should be fine and have it last. This should work about 90% of the time.
So this is my theory and if you dont like it, then guess what....... I will leave that part to your imaginations.