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shoot to kill : Violence in gaming, and the people who need to shut up about it.

This is a debate that's as old as the NES itself: violence in gaming and it's impact on society. Now i don't claim to be an expert on child psychology, but neither is super nanny, but that doesn't stop her, now is it? So many morons out there who don't know **** from shinola talking out their asses about how horrible violence in games are. How it's the cause of school shootings. No, columbine wasn't caused by years of torture and bullying, or the parants not knowing that their kids were building pipebombs in their house, no it was Maryln Manson and doom. AH HA!!! we found a scapegoat so we don't get blamed!

Most of these people have no clue what they're talking about, nor the content of the games. I'll give you a perfect example. i was watching CNN, and they were talking about that girl who was gang raped at school and how no one helped. one of the guests said that these children are "coerupted by violent video game. in fact there's a game coming out called left for fdead." i'm sorry, but how do you equate gang rape to slaughted the undead? the answer is clear: he has no clue what he's talking about.

I have the unfortunate mispleaure of living in kansas, which is conservative with hot sauce. Our probably soon to be governer sam brownback always talks about the evils of games. any time there's gang activity he blames grand theft auto. Let me makes myself clear: kids aren't supposed to play these games. They cannot buy M games unless the parants buy them. so take a look at mommy and daddy. The thing is, beleive it or not, some kids can handle it, some can't. I grew up playing these games, but i'm not killing people. why? because i know it's wrong because i have common sense. I'm an adult, if i wanna play call of duty, by god i'm gonna play call of duty. Regardless of what roger eber said, games are art the same way music and m,ovies are, and deserve the same protection.