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commando21 Blog

Starwars Online!

Hey guys just wanted to get your opinions on the upcomming starwars mmo being developed by bioware. Looks like its turning into quite a game with a compelling story. If it turns out as awsome as i think it is i'm quiting wow.


hi everyone i'v been thinking for a while about making a union about anime.i'm not sure if i wanna make a bleach rp or just a regular union. if you guys have any ideas feel free to leave comments.:D

It's Over 9,000!!!

i'v always wanted to say that, anyways i just got guitar hero 3 i got bored of gh2 and thought why not get 3. It's a little differnt, i can play on med and hard. online is fun to. :)

Another One Bites The Dust!

did anyone else watch on the spot.. Ryan anounced that he was leaving gs in the begining it seemed liked they were joking about it and then he said he was really leaving?? why is all the good ppl leaving gs? not enough pay? (cnet....jk)?