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PS3 Lust

Hey it has been awhile since my last blog and its time for a quick update.

I am now Officialy 15 Y/o.

My 360 is up on blocks.

I didint get the nintendo pres conf gamespot badge for some reason(and Im PISSED!)

Now a supporter of PS360.

Selling the DS. (Selling to get a PS3)

Im enjoying Gears on XBL for the first time.

and last but not least, WTF Bungie, WTF......

Now as I have said in the title of this blogpost is my newfound PS3 love. Now the reasons for this are that the 360s exclusives this year bore me to death. For example Bioshock looks like the bastard child of Oblivion and Half Life 2, Mass Effect looks like Oblivion in space, and my hype-o-meter for halo 3 droped with the beta so Im not like OMFG HALOZ TREEE anymore. Another Reason is my 360 defectiveness . one year ago I case modded my 360 becasuse my warranty was up. Now just a couple a days ago my 360 does the ring O' death. I have tryed many different cooling solutions and the one right now recuires me putting a 22 inch fan over my 360 to keep it cool. Soon though I will be geting a new internal fan that is adjustible up to 12v for each fan.

Then the final reason for my new ps3 love is the exclusives for it are awesome! The exclusive games, Warhawk, Heavanly Sword, Lair, and home(I know not realy a game but its free so I counted it) are all games that appeal highly to me, especialy Lair and Warhawk. Then The time exclusive games Haze and UT III are the most awsome looking shooters this year to me(even more than H3). then of cource theres MGS 4, KillZone 2, and LittleBigPlanet coming out next year. I am absolutely stoked about LittleBigPlanet, you can expect many creations from me when that game comes out. Also on UT III, I would get the 360 version but the ps3 version supports MODS. Well Im hoping to get a ps3 before christmas so I can own some noobs on warhawk and UT III while my house is snowed in. Well I got to get back to listening The Hotspot and then get some sleep.

The Next Generation of Gamers.

Hello all. This is my first blog so dont expect anything amazing. Well heres a little bit about myself. I am 14 years old(15 in may), I live in Ohio, and I run a machinima clan called Empire Cinema.

So I am writing about the next generation of gamers. What is that exactly? Well I belive the next gen of gamers starts every time the next generation of consoles is released. Exactly who is in this next generation? That is any kids who are in their freshman year in highschool, are leading the next generation, and by the time they graduate high school, we will be in the next next gen of consoles. I also think that what we of the next gen of gamers buy and play will effect how the consoles and games will be the next next gen. So I belive we controll the gaming industry with what we by and play, so it is important that we not abuse this "privilage" so we dont effect the generation that comes after us in a negitive way.

Well thats all I come up with in todays rant. Ill try to make somthing better next time.
