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black friday


c'mon people.  we're trying to have a civilization here.   is it really worth getting up at 3 o'clock in the morning, standing outside walmart for hours, breaking down doors,  and trampling other people  to death  to save a nickle on a friggin' pair of tube socks?!?    what the hell is wrong with these people??!  

a little back-round.  i live in downstate ny.   for any of you familiar with the area there is a large outlet shopping center located just off the ny thruway; a major north / south highway that runs though the hudson valley.   basically if you're heading north from nj / nyc into ny state  you're using this road.   anyway.. the folks that run the joint decided it'd be a brilliant idea to open up at midnight on friday to start milking all the greedy sheeple-- err-  i mean consumers.  so my chick and i left my parent's home in northern nj on thanksgiving at about 10:30 in the evening to drive home.  luckily we had the distinct pleasure of sitting in traffic in the northbound lanes of the ny thruway for an hour and a half because of ---holes so desperate to save some green they're willing and happy to put up with this kind of lunacy.  

now lets examine the typical black friday idiot driver shall we? like 99.9% of the exits from highways in the united states the exit for the harriman outlets is located on the right side of the road.  does this mean that the thousands of greedy douches that descend on the outlets like a hoard of locust would arrange their automobiles in an orderly line of cars in the right hand lane?   of course not.  in their zeal to spend spend spend they must all proceed into the left lane, drive all the way up past the hundreds of cars already in line to use the exit ramp, and then proceed to attempt to jocky their 8 mpg h2 into the exit lane.   net result?  chaos for anyone wishing to simply pass by this fustercluck of humanity and proceed further north up the road.   hey s-for-brains, maybe if you didn't buy a car the size of an abrams tank which consumes fuel faster than a fat chick with a box a twinkies you could afford to buy crap like a normal person and would not need to be out at midnight to pick up your idiot son a pair of banana republic boxers at half price.


a walmart employee was crushed to death while trying to open the doors to the store friday morning at 5am by customers so eager to spend their money they started lining up outside the store at 9 pm the previous night.  let me repeat.  a man was litterly stepped on by hundreds of people trying to get into the store.  he sustained so many injurues from being walked over like a doormat that he died.   his killers sat outside for 8 hours and were compelled so much to part with their money in the relentless pursuit of stuff that they could not wait 5 more minutes for the doors to be opened properly.   some started to break down the doors themselves, push people to the ground and walk on top of other people like friggin animals fighting each other for a carcass.  this behaviour could maybe be justifiable in an emergency where there is panic and fear but this is f-in shopping people.   come the hell on.   and walmart will end up taking the blame for the man's death for not having adequate security.   despicable.

