I know I will get massive backlash from fanboys and have my integrity and intelligence as a gamer questioned by the drones themselves, but I just feel like voiceing my opinion on this game. Obviously, Dark Souls is credited by many gamers as being one of the hardest games in recent memory. It is indeed a very difficult, and very frustrating game as well. The frustration stems from the fact that almost every enemy in the game can do massive amounts of damage to your health, especially the bosses which alot of them can instantly kill you in one hit. There are other factors of the game that make it very frustrating to play as well, like the bonfire system. The bonfire system is basically a bunch of checkpoints spread throughout the world. When you rest at a bonfire, your health is fully replenished and you can level your skills with the souls you have collected from enemies. My issue with the bonfires is that they are, more often than not, too far apart from eachother. There are many instances where I will have been walking around fighting enemies to get to the next bonfire, I have been doing this for about atleast 15 min and I happen to die. Well instead of spawning fairly near the area where you got killed or died, you have to start over at the last bonfire you rested at, therefore having to repeat 15 to 20 min of gameplay all over again. And the worst part is that all the enemies that you were fighting along the way respawn back, therefore making the whole thing feel really tedious. Basically, I think the bonfire/checkpoint system is flawed in that they are too spread apart in most cases.
The other frustrating aspect about this game that I want to address is the enemies and bosses. Now this aspect of the game being frustrating obviously comes down to personal opinion. In my opinion it is the second aspect of the game that frustrates me to the point of turning the game off. First of all, alot of the enemies in this game can insta-kill you, especially if you dont see these moves coming. Now some people will say that you just gotta learn the enemies attack patterns and stuff. Well that is frustrating to do especially when once you think youve learned an enemies attack pattern and weakness, they do something else out of nowhere that catches you off guard again and often ends with an inst-kill. The bosses are even more frustrating cinsidering that alot of them change thier pattern of attack so often that it is difficult to adapt to the fight at hand or the fight is so lopsided that you can barely move before your just dead. For example, the Capra Demon is one of the most frustrating fights in the whole game. What makes this fight so difficult is that he has two dogs fighting with him that make this fight almost unbarable. The second you enter the room, the dogs will gang up on you almost instantly and then the Demon will do a jumping attack at you which feels almost impossible to dodge. That attack will do about 3/4 of your life bar in damage in most cases and then the dogs will continue to gang rape you then giving the demon a free kill shot at you. I tried healing with flasks when I could, but I was just getting overwhelmed to the point where it didnt matter. Hell I had to have a friend help me beat him by killing the dogs so I could consentrate on the demon himself. To me, that is a bullcrap bossfight and one of many reasons I cant bring myself to want to play this game.
The third thing i want to address is how some of the games mechanics are so cryptic that if you dont know in advance how something works in the game, you have to do alot of research on the internet and hope you can find answers. Like for instance, The Capra demon fight I have been told woulda been alot easier if I had more poise because then the dogs wouldt have been able to basically paralyze me in place for free hits. How in the hell was I supposed to know that unless I had looked it up on the net somewhere. That is info that the game should be explaining to the player so that they can be prepared for fights like that. I shouldnt have to do countless research on the net to find these things out.
In conclusion, Dark Souls is a game that, while containing very interesting lore and gameplay, has alot of flaws that make it a very frustrating game, for me to the point where I dont have fun playing it for the most part.