Recently within the last year or so I have seen many people on the forums saying stuff like "Uncharted is a movie, not a game" and other similar remarks like that. I have to firmly disagree with these statements as I believe them to be very illogical and inaccurate. First of all, games are defined as an interactive medium as opposed to movies which are more a visual only medium. In games you actually interact with the environment and characters around you while in a movie you just sit back and watch it all unfold. So by definition, Uncharted is indeed a game because you the player control Nathan Drake and interact with the environment and characters around you in many different ways. You often have to solve puzzles with Elena or Sully or a number of other interesting characters in the game. You also end up in lots of action packed combat sequences with enemy AI characters as well. While the game is very cinematic in nature with alot of cool action packed set pieces, It still has all the elements of gameplay that define it as a videogame. And to end this blog on a good note I will say that the Uncharted series for me has been one of the best experiences in gaming for me this gen.
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