I dont understand this notion going on in the discussions on this site that these next gen consoles are too weak. They have atleast 2X the graphical capabilites of the PS3 and Xbox 360. You cant look at the PC platform and compare it to the console platforms considering that PCs can be upgraded and the hardware for that market is moving forward all the time on a constant basis. These next gen consoles are very capable machines considering the launch price and hardware inside. Just look at some of the launch titles like Killzone SF or Battlefield 4 or even Ryse, these games look amazing for launch titles and give us a taste of what these systems are capable of. Now you have to bear in mind that these are indeed "launch" titles and wont ultimately be an indication of the limits of these systems, game engines get optimized and you see better looking games over time, this is how it has always worked.
Another thing you have to take into consideration is that we are starting to reach the point where graphics for games are starting to look very realistic or lifelike. The only real improvements that we can make from this point is detail in the environments, AA, and possibly more realistic lighting and animations. But we are most likely not going to see that PS1 to PS2 jump or even PS2 to PS3 jump, its just the law of diminishing returns taking effect. Look at high end PC GPU tech verses what we are seeing in the PS4 right now, slightly higher resolutions if your rig can handle it, and maybe some slightly sharper texture quality or something but its not a significant difference between the PC and PS4. Most people have HDTVs that support a max resolution of 1920x1080 or 1080p which these consoles are capable of doing. Yes you can get higher res on PC like 1200p or 1440p but you have to buy expensive monitors to do that and you have to buy a very high end graphics card for your PC which can cost anywhere between $400 - $1000+ or more even. For the price that these consoles are being sold to us we are gettin some top notch hardware.