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compugraphic Blog

FFXIII on 360!

Wow...just wow, this was the last thing I expected from Microsoft. This is a big blow for Sony but an understandable choice by Squenix.

Obiously SE is spending ridiculous amounts of money on FFXIII and VS (assuming that is also on 360 now) and although it will obviously sell very well they will need to make alot to recoperate those losses, the simple solution being to put it on 360 were they expand the audience to alot more people, although not really Japan.

You would think that this is going to be a big it for Sony as this and MGS4 were there two huge exclusives but who knows how good its going to sell on 360 or how much sales its going actually going to take away from Sony. This is going to make almost no difference in Japan with there very meager 360 sales and the majority of games on 360 are just your generic FPS game, clearly the core audience isnt to interested in JRPG's. But we will see

Until next time!

I felt like i should make another blog post!

I dont know how many people will actually read this but I have an interesting question.

Who do you think will be leading the console wars by the end of this year?

It looks like anyones game this time unlike last gen when the ps2 ran away with it. Alot of people are saying the wii is just a fad and althogh there is ot really any heavy hitters comeing soon I'm sure that previously released titles will keep selling strong, but is this enough for the wii?

The ps3 just saw the release of MGS4 which i'm sure will sell alot and I would sell my foot for a copy of FFXIII in 2008 which would boost PS3 sales quite a bit. Do you think the loss of the dragon quest franchise will affect the ps3's sales in japan?

THe Xbox is also like the wii, there arnt any really heavy hitting titles coming out anytime soon except maybe gears 2 but the new price drops could give it some life.

But all this could be blown away at E3 :)


My First Blog entry

Hey Everyone! I'm Compugraphic and this is my blog! I will probably update it when ever somthing cool happens. I am also on Nsider under the name Daerktoad450. I've been coming to Game spot for about a year and I figured it was time to sign up!

My favorite company is Nintendo so I will obviously get a Wii. Only $200 (CDN) to go!

Also if any one wants to see it I did my first Reveiw today on FF4.