So I arrived back in Texas at around 1:00 PM Central Time yesterday. I had a pretty decent time in Ohio. Didn't do too much though. It does feel good to be back and with my trusty computer once again. While in Ohio I did do a surprising amount of gaming. The main reason to visit was because my aunt has been diagnosed with breast cancer, and so I had to make sure I visited her for one last time just in case an unfortunate series of events were to take place in the future. She was doing surprisingly well though so I got to play some games by myself and with my younger cousin. So what did I do?
Syberia - Probably the last good adventure(besides TLJ's sequel) game to come out after the Grim Fandango and The Longest Journey era of classic adventure games, Syberia was an enjoyable experience while it lasted. I was not able to get very far in the game because after I finished the first disk, the second disk was required and I didn't have the second disk. It is somewhere in my house but I can't seem to find it. That aside, the first disk's content, which was around 7 hours, was very reminiscent of The Longest Journey's gameplay style, which isn't a good thing. Almost impossible to do without a walkthrough. I had to look in a walkthrough almost every time I played which was pretty annoying and frustrating.
Super Smash Bros. - Since my cousin had a Nintendo 64, I blew the dust off of this game and brought it to Ohio with me. The game was surprisingly fun even after all of this time. While not as flashy or not as full of content compared to Super Smash Bros. Melee, the game was still fun with the multiplayer. I wrote a review for this game up there but I left the file in the other computer...I guess I will have to retype it.
Rayman Raving Rabbids - I also got a chance to play this game because I had access to an Xbox 360. I bought this game for 20 bucks before going to Ohio so that there could be nice random fun. Unfortuately, the game isn't that great or as funny as I would imagine. I thought it would have the same wakkiness as I saw in the gameplay videos for Rayman Raving Rabbids 2, but it didn't. Many of the games are frustrating but there are some fun ones out there. I hope Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 is better though.
Others - Of course you know if there is an Xbox 360, I have to play Gears, which I did. I was fortunate to be able to play with some friends back in Dallas, including Gamespot user FateStayNight, and also another Gamespot user, who is not from Dallas, Vexx88. I also played the campaign mode of GRAW for a while.
What's New?
Anime - A local library there had a section devoted to anime DVD's. Since I didn't bring my external hard drive, which contains all of my anime, I thought it would be good to rent a whole series out and watch it all. The only full boxed set they had was of Soul Hunter, which is about this a guy who joins up with other guys to overthrow an empire among other things. Yeah so it was decent, but nothing really special. I watched all 26 episodes in 4 days which is a record for me.
After having done a 26 episodes in a 4 day time period marathon, I thought that it would be good for me to pick up the pace on the anime that I have to watch and get a little more serious with my anime. So as of now I am expecting to finish the majority of my anime on my external hard drive before August ends...Now that I am doing that I decided that I might as well post up all of the anime that I have seen, with my rating for it so that it can be of use to me and others can see what I watch. It should replace my beloved Shigure Asa blog header that I have.
Friend's lists cleanup - So I think it is about time for me to start up another clean up. Others have been doing it and I am nearing 80 friends and that to me is just too much. Friends' blogs are being pushed out, and I don't have time to keep up with people who want to track for the sake of tracking. My policy regarding friends right now is to have the user send me a PM or post in my blog, but I fear that even that might be too lax. Last time I did a cleanup and changed the friends policy was back last December as part of my Gamespot Reforms, in which I made huge changes to the way I use and post on Gamespot. So I should get to that shortly.
New Video Features! - Currently as most of you know, I have a video blog feature called Cool Hand Comthitnuong, in which I go over impressions and thoughts regarding gaming events and conventions like E3. But there aren't many conventions going on that I am going to blog. I was going to do a Blizzcon/Quakcon video blog, but the trip to Ohio prevented me from viewing the live feed from the Blizzcon convention, and arriving in Dallas yesterday, I missed my chance to attend the Quakcon convention. The last day is going on right now, and I could drive down there and attend, but it is too late right now. So now since the next episode of Cool Hand Comthitnuong will probably be for TGS, I thought out another feature.
This one is more lighthearted than CHC, and will be titled Money Is Not An Issue, MINAI for short. The title is subject to change if I deem it necessary though. So basically what this will be about is me and me buying games. I am a penny pincher when it comes to buying games, and all the stuff I go through before purchasing a game is a pretty long and thorough process. Yeah so basically it will show what I do when purchase a game. I tell you the game I want, and then you will see what I do to purchase the game, for the price I want.
In addition to this one I will also have a random set of videos that I will throw out when I think something could make a good video. It will not be episodic; it will be pretty much random. I have plans for the first video regarding this type already so you may see it soon.
And so that is it, read up, comment, and I will see you next time...Or maybe some of you I won't!:twisted: I need to go catch up on blogs now...
EDIT: My apologies, but I have mad a mistake.Having made this mistake makes me feel pretty bad.My aunt has lung cancer, not breast cancer.