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What a Shame

Hello everybody, it has been awhile hasn't it? It seems that I haven't been able to find anything to blog about lately so my page is pretty much idle...On to the point. Recently I have been spending some time in System Wars. Its not that I have been posting there(if you look at my posting history, you will see that I haven't had a real post on the main boards for like 3+ months), it is just that I have been browsing threads around there and reading the general mindlessness that goes on there. One day though I decided to participate in a user run event called System Wars Bets. Basically what you do there is place a bid and if you win, you win, and if you lose, you have to do whatever you said that you would do. I placed my bet before Bioshock came out and I said this:

"If any Wii game coming out this year scores higher than Bioshock, I will play DoAX2 for 4 hours straight."

Yes, I know now that it was stupid to do this but you can't really blame me for making this bet because at the time, the GS Bioshock review hadn't come out yet, and all of the other review sites had been giving it perfect 10's. I had also been following Bioshock's development since it was first announced and I thought it had a decent chance of outscoreing all of the Wii titles coming out this year. Also when you look at it again, at the time, the only big hitters coming on the Wii were Brawl, MP3, and SMG. Based on looking through news articles about the game, I predicted (correctly) that MP3 would get an 8.5 and that Brawl would not be ready to be shipped out this year. However the one that I could not predict, and placed all of my luck on, was SMG, which, as you know got a 9.5 and therefore I stand in my shame....and soon to be pain after I play that abomination of a game for four hours...

Through this shame I bring good news though! I now have an excuse to make another video to put up on Gamespot. Though I am not sure what kind of video it will be, I know it will pertain to my mini marathon and IT WILL COME OUT. I am promising myself this because I have been wanting to make a video for quite awhile now and haven't been able to do it. Right now my voice is kind of weak for some reason but even so, IT WILL COME OUT in one way or another. I have my Thanksgiving break to do it so IT WILL HAPPEN!


So anyways, lets get some updates going on. Game wise, my life has been almost completely idle. No Persona 3, no Halo 3, just a couple demos that I wanted to play...and thats it. School wise, I still am not at the point in which I would like myself to be but I am at the point in which I need to be...I hope to improve that before the semester ends.

As for what I've been viewing, I finished Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Code Geass, and Serial Experiments Lain. Gurren Lagann is hands down one of the greatest, if not the greatest show out there now. If you haven't seen it, ask yourself why not and then watch it. Right now I'm on a cooling period because both Gurren Lagann and Code Geass pretty much fried my mind. I'm taking it easy with School Rumble right now, but I should pick up with another mind fryer on my Thanksgiving break.

I also plan to do something with my UCB...Jwallace recently had a blog that reminded me that I still do have one and it would be a waste of my money if I don't use it(since apparently GS is starting to let more and more free users go into tournaments...I'm not sure whether or not I should still be subscribing right now, maybe I should go a step down...).I don't think making it into an actual board where a bunch of people post is plausible because I can't see that many people would be devoted to a board from me but I do plan to use the space in some way, shape, or form...

Well, thanks for reading and everybody have a happy Thanksgiving...even you guys outside of the US :P