now that I got a ps3 ,I'm gonna look back at the best gamesof the ps2. oh yeah I'm gonna put only 1/franshise in here
SOCOM 3 U.S. navy seals
the first 2 SOCOMs were good but SOCOM 3 really improves a lot whit putting big levels in it and vehicles and that whit the cool SOCOM gameplay is really awesome :D
battlefield 2 modern combat
the first time you could play battlefield on a console and it was great ,the new hot swap thingy in the single player rocks and the missions too and playing this on surround is just awesome .
not only is this the best looking ps2 it is just so freaking awesome, this game is just about running and shooting and blowing everything up ,it was easy and short but it was awesome.
call of duty 2 big red one
this aint the best cod game but it is the best on the ps2, this underrated game rocks ,it has a great single player whit load of cod action and loads of vehicles ,its just awesome :D
ratchet & clank: up your arsenal
the best ratchet game on the ps2, it has the coolest weapons, the best soundtrack, the best levels and this game sure is the funniest. ps3 or not I will sure kick some noid ass again in the future.
rockstar made a game where you are a teen in a free roaming world whit a gameplay simular to san andreas and its great. the soundtrack is great, the missions are great,the graphics are great,the characters are great and most NPCs arent just pointless walking around and you can do so much stuff ,this game is just amazing 8)
star wars battlefront II
the first one was already awesome and this one just makes it so much better whit an all new galactic conquest,new maps and space battles and playing as a hero is all just awesome and itmakes this game highly addictive.
conflict: vietnam
I dont care what everybody sez this game is awesome,I love thye conflict series and this is the only one that is vietnam based ,that is just awesome ,it really is the best in the series and a game that i can play over and over again :D
jak II
jak 1 wasnt that great but the sequal is amazing ,great graphics and a whole new story and gameplay really makes this more of an action/adventure then a platformer. verry thing of this game is great, its the total package 8)
grand theft auto: san andreas
this game is just amazing R* didnt just top vice city they just perfected the free roaming action/adventure genre,its just extreemly fun and long ,the story line is just so long and that whit all the side missions and stuff you can do in san andreas just makes it the longest game i ever played. I wonder if GTA IV is gonna be better, it'll be hard to make it bettertho.