The following are requests to Sony. I know this'll barely reach them but you could always hope. I only speak for myself in this matter, but these are definitely no-brainers on your part.
1. Don't take out the Emotion Engine from the PS3
I like to play my old PS1/PS2 games from time to time. Don't take backward compatibility for granted. If you're going to cut costs, find another way.
2. Hold on to your Exclusives
If you lose the remaining few, yeah, not rocket science.
3. Announce Rumble for Dual Shock 3 or Sixaxis Shock or whatever name you call it. SOON.
I'm still on the fence on buying a PS3 down the line because of the travesty that is ABSENCE OF RUMBLE from the controllers. And then making stupid excuses that make you look like a proud fool as a whole.
4. PS1 Games on PSP Emulation
Without a PS3 as intermediary. It's fricking 2007. It should've been able to in the first place out-of-the-box. And add more games. The ones everyone would like, like say, I don't know FINAL FANTASY VII, CHRONO CROSS, METAL GEAR SOLID among others. Thanks.
I know there are more, but this would be it for now.
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