So I know that clearly I've not actually blogged for a few days, as the title states this is due to my being not only lazy but forgetful and stupid too.
So I want to talk at you fine people today about the state of our imaginations.
Now I'm not one to right away assume things about us as a collective but I have a sneaking feeling that many of us really don't try as much as we could or even should. So we sit at home with our 40 inch TVs (or 50 inch if your the people who live next to me) and we play the latest games. we pop off with well or not so well earned money and we throw it at the game store guy and get call of duty. Or halo , whatever.
We buy the game our friends by and sit on our asses and play it for 50 hours a week.
The world keeps turning and time drifts by.
We don't notice that we have played the same, all be it fun, game for the last 4 years. we accept it and keep playing. This last month child of Eden, shadows of the damned and Alice madness returns all had a release and subsequently bombed. why? is it the way they were marketed? possibly although I think to be honest that this would be blaming something big on something small. Is it the type of games they look to be?? Nope, even just going on cover art shadows of the damned looks pretty mainstream actiony, it's only when you get into the game that you see what its really like.
Is it the games more original and creative styles?
NOPE because the people who didn't buy it wouldn't have played it so how could that be an effective reason. I always feel a level of surprise at press people who assume because a game is a little different that its why its not sold. Logic dictates that people would have to play it to know what its like, so that cant be the reason. It's like thinking a girl wont like you because you might not have a big enough dong, why would that matter its not like women are born with x-ray vision.
People just stick to what they know.
Which is what worries me, these are creative and distinct titles but still very traditional and mainstream and even they cannot make a dent in the market. so what chance does the more indie or inventive game have. next to none? will we literally stagnate over time do to the risk behind creative ventures?
I hope not but its hard to see a very positive future right now.
- next time -
A few words on walks.