OK so the title is misleading, I'm not here to actually talk about what i think is the greatest game of all time, or about my top 100 list.
Instead I wanted to take a moment to think about the strange need we gamers have to order things. Or to see others order things.
See I have played games for a very long time, I know what games I want to play and love most. the reasons I chose them were and are my own. Not influenced by others, or some top ten lists. I suspect it's almost entirely the same for every one of you. You like the game you like and that's the way it is.
But unlike you i dont really feel the need to see others write down lists of the greatist games of all time. Theres this odd thing that happens when a magazine or website compiles a top 100 games list. Its the same type of thing that happens when a review is posted for a game. Everyone comes out to complain.
why is that game at number 1, this game is better! the people who compile this list are terrible at thier jobs, blah blah blah.
Sure there's an understandable point to wanting to see something you choose to side with praised, on some subconscious level your being praised for your good choices. By comparison if your not seeing the person or persons agree with you then YOUR the one being insulted. How dare someone think what you like is not great.
This defies logic obviously, more often then not it's you holding something up to too little dissecting scrutiny, websites and magazines are worked on by professionals after all, paid to totally deconstruct a product to see its faults and finery.
They judge because they have to or else they don't eat.
The need to defend comes into play with fanboyisum too. The blind need to knock down things that look even slightly like what you have/like/play. Your choice will always be the better choice, no matter what people say. This blind faith is always something I've found frustrating because it's normally that, blind. It's not that you are wrong to like the game you play, its more that your too stubborn to try anything else. Call of duty is the best you know so how could you ever know that other games out there are as good or better. why should you care and so you keep playing it. I feel not anger about this, more pity. Pity because people are missing out on experiences that are totally amazing based on basic blind judgements and because amazing experiences are not getting experienced.
Creativity is stifled and even punished and the industry hobbles on along the same path its been on for 10 years. The truly worst side to blind faith, love or hate is that which causes people to attack those who do review games and films. They are often faced with some of the most horrendous abuse for doing their jobs.
Often of totally illogical reasons. For example a game was given a score of 7 out of 10. In my eyes that games got quite a good score. Those reading the review have other ideas though, they seem to view 7 as meaning the item reviewed is bad. This causes the same aggressive reaction as normal, hate toward the reviewer for doing his or her job.
This is foolish because 1. 5 is average so why hate on someone giving better then average scores? and 2. most of those who spew such hate are unlikely to have completed or even played the game in question at all.
They just dislike that someone has put their choice to want said game in question.
I think it's about time we all started trying to better ourselves as a community. Stopped taking what others say so to heart. A personal opinion is solely just that, personal. Not a slight against us or our choices, just a refection of someone Else's.
Now back to fallout new Vegas.
like , best game eva!
- next time -
Cant stop myself