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a tough choice and an interesting test

So for the next year I have chosen to avoid buying any games. For one year i will spend not a penny on a game or any other extras. I want to see if i can stay sane as a gamer without any new games. Not only that, I want to see if i can try and say something interesting when ive nothing new to say something interesting about.

not that people read

I hope that this gives me more time to play all the games ive managed to collect this last few years. Maybe actually finish some i should have long ago.

There is a small couple of times i can spend money though. 1. now. the money i currently have is from last year. I cant spend any money i get this year on any games.

2. feb. Its when i get last years christmas bonus. Its my 1 chance for a big selfish spend . after that no games for me.