1st oct 2009
So some of you may know that i have been fiddling with live stream. Today I launched a second channel.
This was to seporate what i broadcast. 1 for art. 2. for games.
the new channel is called "all your games are belong to us"
Guess where thats from... :P
anyway, not only is this the name of the channel its also the name of a project thats hopefully going to appear on the channel too.
More on that later.
It's not showing much just now. just a handful of game trailers and teasers. Just so that somethings actually playing. BUT , i am putting up other bits and bobs over the next few weeks. Bare in mind im still getting used to the whole thing. lol.
Theres also the first part of my "lets play batman archam asylum demo" video. Part two to be added soon. Have a look, share any thoughts and views. and i hope someone enjoys.