So it's been a while and i've been buisy. Buisy getting stuff togeather for the TGM launch and covering the Eurogamer expo. This was my first big event coverage experiance. This years Eurogamer expo was really little difference for a press pass holder then it was for a normal pass holder. The one big benifit was the chance to enter the event 2 hours before everyone elce.
Giving us the chance to actually play some games before anyone elce. These were Fable 3, fallout new vegas, marvel vs capcom 3, dead space 2, as well as a welth of others.
Oh and i got to play zelda skyward sword. That was , interesting.
Anyway ive been buisy writing new reviews for our sites launch and collection all sorts of other content.
Currently im playing Dead Rising 2 (im at the overtime mode), and talking to different people in and out the games industry making contacts and boring pr stuff.
Im burning out i think. On the plus site ive just today gotten my fist bits of promo items for review from manga entertainment. wooo dvds to review. fun fun fun.
Anyone have any questions about the eurogamer expo or any games that were there. feel free to respond and then ill tell you what i can.