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so my feedback for the string of upcoming xbox live features

zune marketplace: Its a shame that things that we are told that are free to download on the service via this site (the guild) are not actually available on zune marketplace. I assume thats because its the uk market. but as I was able to download these items before and now cannot locat them its a worry that ill not be able to download the episodes of red vs blue ive paid for (for example) in future.

Also I am an non hd user. Ive not got the tv for it. But when i chose to buy and stream an sd movie I noted a lot of quality issues at the start , even for sd, also the movie kept freesing during and stopped completely a couople of times. this wouldnt be so bad but when i chose to resume i was instead taken to the start of the movie again. This ment spending a good while skipping through hoping i'd get to the part where i was left off without too much trouble.

It would be good to see some of the independent shows like the guild avilable now to test, just to re assure that these are available to view for all in future. also a quick launch button for party viewing would be a good idea. I had to fumble about to get myself in the little avitar party room and then could only do it with sky tv player and not zune.

twitter. Sparce, i understand that its not quite as ready as some other aspects of the live features , but its too thin even for twitter.

Some twitpic intergration might be good. And just make it so that the #xboxtweet thing we should add just is part of an xbox tweet anyway.

facebook. quite good , but still a little patchy. Also i do have a friend who happens to be also on facebook , but he's not popping up in the add xbox live friends to facebook bit. Worry a bit there. Aslo user video use would be a good option. And for both facebook and twitter , being able to post scores, achevements and screenshots would also be cool.

Maybe also having an app that records what your playing and allows you to watch it back on your xbox or post the video to facebook would be funky. . Im actually very plesently suprised with this , its working well and is very well implimented. Its a shame that one problem lets it down big time.

I dont want to choose , for example , reel big fish radio , just to hear a load of songs by other aritsts instead before i get to hear reel big fish. Especially if some of those bands are ones i might not like already. Its a trilebeing made to listen to bands you dont want to. Now dont get me wrong, i like the idea of turning on a radio station and listning to just some random bands , some i know some i dont. BUT. I would like the option of JUST listning to one band also available. if i choose beatles radio, then i just want beatles. and not the rolling stones. Maybe an option to have a mix of bands or just the specific band playing would be good.

Halo waypoint. Not too many issues here. Im liking the features, but really its something that needs really good long term investment for it to work. Not something like halo waypoint that is not for a game but a game company... sega / capcom / so on. would be cool. Covering whatever games are coming out, adding a range of features and unlockables. I think waypoint is a great idea, and it'll work for halo as theres a whole lot of content knocking about for it even now. but it might leave non halo fans left a little in the cold.

Im still quite excited about Having these features in my xbox. all i need is to get joyride before the end of the year and im completely happy. But really the new features really need to be perfected or people wont see a point or use them.