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the great podcast vs pocast tournament 2010 is now go!

Ok so you would have to be under a rock to not know that I, through my podcast, have been attempting to create a special one off event.

It is to be a simple tournament of super street fighter 4 on xbox live. (i would go with ps3 too, but more people have xbox live, so i was playing the averages)

Anyway, the tournament would feature teams from a range of games podcasts.


To be honest i didnt know why. It just smelt of that good idea smell. I suppose free publisity for my own podcast would be the payoff.

At least in the begining.

Today I finally found an 8th podcast team for the tournament, held the drawing of the first round line-up and posted up the 3rd of a set of Contender trailers iv'e been working on.

The trailers are becoming fun, a challenge on my already exhausted mind and body, but fun.

The tournament ironically wont use the ssf4 tournament dlc. Mostly becasue some of the teams are in the usa and I need to match people at different times, so getting teams togeather all at once would be impossible.

So the teams involved are my own (a.y.g.a.b.t.u.)


We are arcade

Resume play

Softcore Gamer

DPAD Dependancy


and Gameburst

What are we all playing for you ask. Well the winning team gets to record an advert of up to 3 mins long, that all the other teams must play in the middle of thier shows.

That and fun.

It seems that all the teams involved are getting really into the event, with members training extra hours, and looking forward to the hype trailer recordings.

This has lifted my workload to the max, being the primery man on the production of my own podcast and its related websites, facebook and twitter. Aswell as having my own time online, on gamespot and playing games / drawing (i draw, did i tell you guys that before??)

Anyway, I't seems the event is having a secondary effect. Different podcasts involved are starting to talk to each other and even become friendly. Theres even been talk of team ups, going for drinks and working on side and co-op projects.

Its a delight and a suprise for me. Creating good from what was in the begining just a simple odd idea. " I wonder if i could get a bunch of podcasts togeather for a fight?"

For more on the event visit my own podcast page where we have a section dedicated to it (with videos, details and all sorts across a few pages)

And find us on twitter @gamebelongtous

ta again for listning/reading
