the way we view entertainment has been on my mind quite a lot lately. Most notable has to me is how we look at how different mediums are used.
Take film and tv for example. Nearly nothing is off limits for discussion, be it in a dramatic sense or even a documentary sense, its all quite safe to cover. The creative mediums have the ability to educe emotions in people. Love, joy, hate, fear, excitement... They make us cry and laugh. sometimes at the same time.
Its accepted in film, but not so much through the other mediums.
books are pretty much a free medium too.
But when it comes to games and most notably music the range of expectation becomes more limited. Its fine to enduce dread in movies, but less so in games and totally un thought of in music.
I dont mean "horror" movies, because we know there are horror themed games, there is also music written for horror movies and games.
But i mean there's less the accepted freedom to create something of its own using the medium to create feelings in the viewer or listener of dread.
There are acceptions , like Aphex Twins "come to daddy" for example.
Yet when music or games do feature real attempts to promote emotive responces or thought they are shunned by the general public.
People wants what people wants it seems.
A key problem in my mind is the direction of progression. In games progression seems to only focus on Graphics graphics graphics!! More uncanny valley less artistic merit.
In my mind the true progression of games and all entertainment media is held in the vision of creators like Tetsuya Mizuguchi.
His work on Rez and child of eden show something totally new and so swiftly after the original unvailing of the kinect, gave a new interactive object much needed viability. In my mind the next step in the progression of entertainment media is a merging of all aspects of it. Movies, music, games and art. child is a step ahead of the curve, a curve that mane may not even know exists.
The player is the music, is the visuals, its part game and part performance.
Unlike games that have attempted to be interactive movies (like metal gear) the whole experience integrates everything. there's no separation of visual , musical , playful. All become the same thing.