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Many of you have noticed, and I'm sure that many of you have not, I'm guessing you to be the ones who own a Nintendo DS, that Nintendo has practically abandoned the Gamecube. The Gamecube, what used to be a great system, is now no more than some abandoned piece of furniture on the side of the road. I, who owns a Gamecube, and enjoyed it for about the first year I had it has realized that "Has Nintendo forgot out their home system?", because it seams to me that ever since the DS came out they have been implementing all of their hard work on it.

Now putting all thier faith of the company, and resting it in the DS 's hands may be a smart move because it seems to be better selling that the Gamecube. Now don't get me wrong the DS is pretty awsome(to tell you the truth I almost hated the system when it came out), although I am more of a Sony's PSP kinda fan, but why exactly is the DS better selling that the Cube? The flashy dual screens? The interesting and innovative games coming to the system?

What exactly is it that makes these bigger handholds tick? If it has to do with the flashy dual screen part then there isn't really much Nintendo can do to fix this almost broken Cube. Perhaps implementing more fun and games on the use of the Bongos used for the Donkey Konga series or the Microphone that is used seldomely in a few games of the system? If we're gonna be talking about the interesting and innovative games part that the DS has going on then come on, is it really hard to fix that part for the Gamecube? They should try to make more games of the same genre come out for the System.

It seems halfway throughout the System's lifespan thier sales went down. So what does Nintendo do? They drop the price of this once brilliant system to a low, new price of only $99. Take a bow Nintendo, nice move i have to admit but this didn't really change much for them. But also this is the reason I bought the Cube over the other current-gen systems: Sony's Playstation 2, and Microsoft's brilliant Xbox. Pretty soon though I think I am going to pick up an Xbox.

Still though, Nintendo 's system is still not to boring, and if you give it a willing chance you will find some pretty awsome games, examples be Metroid Prime, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and The Legend of Zelda:the Windwaker.

Now the Japanese game company is coming out with another system, another chance if you will, the Revolution. Will this be a really good system, or just another flop that will buy Nintendo some more time?