Yo people of earth.:D
Well tomoros my feild trip , so i have to get up early.Yuck. Lets just say
Me+ waking up early = Unhappy Lilly.
Well me and Dragon are ploting against Alana ,and Allies helping.See ,
Dragon likes Jasper (use to be Albert ,nethiers his real name) Jaspers dating Alana.
Well , Alana is always hanging all over Max.(allies crush.) and Hanging all over my crush Jason.
So we're plotting against her.
See Dragon wrote a note the said
From Alana
To: Jason.P (not the jason i like ,there are 3 jason in our class ,not there real name)
Jason.P ,
Will you go out with me?
hahahaha and as we walked out of the building we pass through or Lunch room and he left the note on the end of the Teacherstable!hahaha and if that doesn't work we've got other trick up our sleeve.*laugh evily* MUHAHAHA Okay bye!-