coolasj19 / Member

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the best game ever

is parrapa the rappa and its coming to the ps store . my original is too scrathed up.

kick, punch, its all in the mind. if you want to test me im sure youll find. the things ill teach ya. im sure to beat ya. neverthe less youll learn a lesson from teacher.

it hard to see why its so great with out playing it. lyrics videos.

i would like to say no matter want the price i WILL buy this game. i swear it.


my PS3 BRICKED!!!!

my ps3's fan got knocked here's the story. my stepdad came and got us from sanantonio and while moving from truck to truck and he dropped it from waist level and he's 6 foot 5 inches. obviously if something weighs 17 pounds (including some of my clothes and accesories)and its inside a big bag (not a ps3 bag) it obviouslyt doesnt have anything in it and its okay to just toss it. now i hope i can find a 22GIG USB hard drive and an intercoller to  hold my ps3 up long enough to backup al the data to it.

the other story.

i got hoome hoping to watch Tron on video i thought when i pluged it up and it turned off after 3minutes. i decided to  to take a bath and let it cool down cause it might have overheated cause it was in a black bag in the hot sun in the back of a pickup truck. next time i pluged it up i listened for the fan... nothing... i freaked out .then i calmed  down and started downloading my game saves and videos off the internet in five portians. im now hoping to get an inter cooler and a external hardrive so when i send it to sony and i get my new one i will be able to upload it and not strart all over.


playing in HD

i tell u if u have somr kind of access to a TV evem if its not that t much time and it reaches 720p or even 1080i go get these cables from your local best buy or circuit city. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!8) if u think HD is nothing then u dont know what your talking about. it is such a huge difference. even though i almost rruined my gaming life because i gamed on a 21inch 480i TV then i remembered i had a 13inch in my room. the pixeels are much better on the smaller TV.:P


i hate them they are transforming all my best friends into super nerds. one friend used to weight around 150 now he's FAT and 250 all thankd to RUNESCAPE i advise you never to get sucked into one of these social suckerupper's. my other friend is perfectly normal... for now. he's on the WOW junk. dont get sucked into the world of warlocks or magic and spells and COINS and armor. play halo resistewnce even MGS no MMORPG's


well ive been off the PS3 longt enough to post this. my PSNID is: "drumroll" coolasj19. anyway i just got done downloading half of the game trailers and all the demos in the playstation store. if you need a friend im your guy. just send me an invtie and i will accept. its also loaded with 5 cds worth of music.

its playstation 3 time

a 60 Gig PS3
i just got it at 10:06 yesterday
i went on a hunt for Resistence:Fall Of Man and a second controler after. then my grandma started killing me by going to marshalls for what felt like an hour.
i got a CD from my uncle and uploaded it to the harddrive and some pictures from my camera
my parents are getting roadrunner wireless on thursday so beware for i will soon kick everyones FPASS.
my ID will be

less than 3 hours

away from my ultimate goal for the last 2 years
a PS3 im getting it from circuit city
then im going over to best buy to use my 100$ in giftcards on a new controller and  Resistence:Falll Of Man
wish me luck i et there before someone else

tisk tisk tisk

i just realized all the games i have lost over the years
i fact at least 3/4th of my games list are lost games
im slighty ashamed of my self
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