The PS3 sixaxis controller IMO, yes there isnt any rumble feature but have any of the 360 users felt how light the sixaxis one is? also i have always preferred the Playstation controllers for shooters because the two analogue sticks are closer together and are parallel to each other (that helps me lol makes it more comfortable for me) also the 360 controllers have always felt to chunky and clumsy IMO and the D-Pad on the 360 sucks. The triggers are better on the PS3 controllers IMO as well i have never liked the way the triggers on the 360 controllers press down that far and they are very thin, i find it difficult to switch quickly between pressing the RB an RT buttons. Also my PS3 controller came with a built in rechargeable battery did the 360 one no!!! BTW i have not played my PS2 for over a year, for that year i played on my friends Xbox360 (when i could, in fact I have just re-adjusted to aiming in FPS's on a console) and I have only just got a PS3 so you cant really call me a fanboy or anything I just prefer the feel of the PS3 controller.
coolgra101's forum posts
Crysis - Great new features on an FPS and outstanding graphics and destructible environments
Metroid prime 3 - Pretty solid controls with the wii-mote (apparently) and pretty good gameplay
Killzone 2 - havent seen anything yet (hurry up guerrilla games)
Halo3 - solid gameplay, good online but poor campaign (yes i said it the story mode was crap in my opinion)
Winner - Crysis why? because the environments are just amazing and they are destructible as well, the graphics are amazing, the gameplay also looks very good and the nanosuit gives the player a tactical advantage. Halo may have been my favourite but they didnt care enough about the single player (not everyone can get thier console online), they focused too much on the online multiplayer which is full of 12-15 year olds who constantly swear and think they are "leet" or whatever they call it.
If Half life 2 episode 2 had been on this list i would have chosen that.
Master Chief vs Nomad
Master chief is a walking tin can with shields who apparently can survive re-entry into the atmosphere of earth and whilst being a bullet/plasma/laser/mine/grenade magnet can seemingly shake off any attack in little to no time like a terminator that seems to be powered by unstoppable energizer bunnies from hell.
Nomad wears a Nanosuit that can help him survive a halo drop without a parachute, stop bullets from causing internal injury and a grenade at close quarters. However it can't stop you from being killed by someone throwing a barrel at you with super human strength...
Master Chief can run slightly faster then a normal human but that's only cause the energizer bunnies from hell that control his terminator like abilities were secretly replaced by Sony grade nuclear power generation systems and Master Chief is suffering from radiation poisoning as a result Sony currently denies any refunds, replacement or repairs on the product and subsequently denies trying to purposely kill Master Chief in the process of ongoing negotiations with Microsoft and Bungie Executives.
Nomad can only run as fast as any normal human but using Nanosuit technologies aka Stallone grade steroids subsequently not issued by the United States Armed Forces or Delta Head Medical Officials, he can run faster then most land based vehicles without his legs muscles tearing in the process and his bones snapping under the force off his legs striking the ground.
Master Chief is capable of lifting weights of 1 to 2 tons however because of his radiation poisoning Master Chief throws like a girl and can't lift more then a normal human being which is why carrying around large projectile based weaponry slows Master Chief down significantly in combat.
Nomad via his Nanosuit Strength Enhancement Functions is subsequently possessed by the spirit of Chuck Norris who loves choke holds and throwing the people in them several dozen meters into buildings, vehicles and deep water with man eating sharks. To date 90% the population of North Korea's has been wiped out in Fiction by Chuck Norris Evil Spirit Possession Technologies found in Crytek's Crysis.
Master Chief only cloaking functions come from Elite Stealth Based Technologies however the truth of the matter is the enemies around Master Chief have always been exceptional wasted thus inducing them into comatose states whilst on duty and those who noticed his pretending to be cloaked didn't bother killing him cause they new underneath the Armor existed the ultimate warrior aka Rabbid…Nomad's Nanosuit has cloaking functions that makes his enemies completely oblivious to his presence however the reality of the circumstance is that Nomad is just suffering withdrawal symptoms from being exposed to the greatness of Chuck Norris Spiritual Possession.
This has been a paid service annoucement from the Mushroom People of Glycon Seven.
That was brilliant Zenkuso good one lol
If the guy in the nanosuit is using any mode outside of armor , he's dead meat .
Master chief have Armor , strenght and Speed all at once .
But nanosuit is more badass .
not exactly true in speed mode Nomad can be more evasive, in strength mode its just like standard health and armor points like this Speed = weak armor, Strength = Normal armor & Armor = Super armor
The Nanosuit wins in terms of style and the cloaking feature sure is nice, but if Jake Dunn and the Master Chief ever got into a fight, the Master Chief would kick his ass without much in the way of resistance. The Master Chief's reflexes alone are extremely fast, and the MJONIR armor increases the speed of his movements exponentially. Without his armor on, MC can already bench weight exceeding 1,000 pounds, and the armor magnfies his strength by at least double.
I could go on and on, but MC clearly wins this fight.
You are forgetting that The nanosuit has max strength so the weight of MC doesnt really count + it equals out the strength capabilities. Also when the master chief runs its like any average joe would run, when the nanosuit is switched to max speed it actually shows some kind of speed increase. And really in a gun fight reflexes are nothing, Nomad would just use max armor then hit the master chief on the back of his head and kill him lol
Nanosuit has more uses than Master chief suit....what is the function of Masterchief suit anyway? Beside for protection.
Mark I Prototype Exoskeleton
The Mark I battle suits were one of the Navy's first experiments with powered exoskeletons. The Mark I battle armors were bulky exoskeletons that improved strength and stamina of the user's muscles. A person in the suit can lift two tons (4,409 pounds) and run at 32 KPH (19.88 MPH). The armor is nearly impervious to standard light weapons.
Thats the mark I
The chief wears makr VI.
This means nothing, and I will tell you why. It is allwell and good to say the armor can do this and do that, but unless it can do that in-game then sorry it means nothing to me. This would be equivalent to Crytek saying that the Nanosuit can whitstand a nuclear explosion but somehow you get killed by a rocket launcher in the game.
For comparisons like this, I throw out anything from litrature related to the games (e.g Books/Comics stories) or anything else that is not in-game like movies/cartoons. All I compare is what the character can do in the game. You say the Mark VI is capable of speeds of over 32KPH? Then show me. You say that the armor is nearly impervious to standard light weapons? Then why is the butt of a weapon to my face so deadly? That would mean that if someone in a nanosuit sneaks up behind me using cloak and swiths to strenth and punchs me in the head I am done for. Also why is such a strong and durable armor like that useless against a veacheal hitting you?
So from what I have seen in-game if the two fight I would give the upper hand to the Nanosuite simply because the cloaking ability gives him a huge advangage. It would be too easy to cloak and snipe at him from a distance until he his dead, and if he gets too close he can just speed up and high tail it out of there and cloak again.
A brilliant point there philmon thats exactly what i am saying the MC's suit doesnt have functions the player can use in game, Jake dunn/ Nomad's suit has features the player can use to adapt and survive
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