Haven't Posted in Awhile, Eh?
by coollizy on Comments
Cross posting this from my LJ, 'cause I'm lazy like that, and because it really gives an idea of what I like in video games. Anyway: So, I went ahead and gave my thoughts on Twilight Princess over at GameSpot and, dare I say it? I scored the game lower than Jeff. D: 8.1 from me. To be quite honest, and I couldn't really get into this in the review because it's more about personal preference than the game itself: I like where the series is going. I just don't know if I want to go with it. Zelda fans are pushing for longer, more labrynth-like dungeons, harder bosses, and the return of some of the more frustrating gameplay elements. Slowly but surely, Nintendo is giving it to them. I had a hard time playing Twilight Princess, and even Wind Waker of all things, knowing this. I really don't enjoy Zelda dungeons. I just don't. But, unfortunantly, there's no other series that really comes together like Zelda. Those few that try, like the infamous Starfox Adventures, usually end up as mush. I guess I'll just have to save up a couple hundred million and make my own game series. D: