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coolmonkeykid Blog

Blizzad Teaser - My predictions (and what im hoping)

Lots of new Wrath of the lich king info including release date, death knight footage, new PvP BG, New class info, and some new end game stuff.


Warcraft 4 would be amazing...but im not sure how it would work out. Would players need to complete WOTLK to know the story? What if theyve never played WOW? Theres a ton of story missing.

I hope its not Diabo 3. Only one MMORPG for me.

I love the orange box!

Portal, episode 2, and tf2 are all amazing. I reccomend these games to anybody. Graphics are great, gameplay is great, portal and episode 2 storyline were both amazing. I cant wait for episode 3, too bad it will take like a year to make. Acheveiments are nice, and all 3 games run at max settings with 100+ fps. I also played the ut3 demo which I think is decent. I have to get used to it.

Thats all for now.