cooltodd89 Blog
Back from the night
by cooltodd89 on Comments
Hey people,
I know you guys were starting to comment on my blog but then I left. I was posting at
(easy to remember huh?8) So anyway I'm gonna start a union soon now that I'm level 7, does anyone have any suggestions?
Almost lvl 6
by cooltodd89 on Comments
Avatars still gone!
by cooltodd89 on Comments
Need RPG's....
by cooltodd89 on Comments
Completed Updateding all my games
by cooltodd89 on Comments
What did you get for Christmas?
by cooltodd89 on Comments
Burnout Revenge- Xbox
Star Wars BattleFront 2-Xbox
Halo Triple pack (Halo 1, Halo 2, and Halo 2 Multiplayer pack)
True Crime New York City-Xbox
Star Wars: KOTOR-Xbox
Secret to weight loss...(Used when on some type of break)
by cooltodd89 on Comments
For all of you in desperate need of losing weight and I'm not pointing any fingers. I'll walk you through an easy way to shed some unwanted weight.(Requires at least $200)
Step 1: Go to a near by Best Buy, Gamefly, GameZone,...etc.
Step 2: Buy at least 5 games that look really cool and you've been wanting.
Step 3: Take them home and play like crazy! Keep in mind that if you work you should do this on a break and if you're in school again, do it over a break.
Step 4: Play for a very long time
Step 5: Go into the kitchen for a drink. You notice that when you get a haven't eaten a thing all day! You still don't feel like making anything because all those nice video games are calling your name. :)
Step 6: Repeat steps 1-5 many times over months and in no time you'll be skinny as ever :) ...
Any comments or questions don't email me at
HAHAHAHAHAHA...It does actually work, I lost like 10 pounds:)
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