Hey guys,
Just launched a small site on the side with a small team and we're looking for a group of beta users to play around with the site and give feedback.
The Site:
The Lowdown:
Thinkingsmartr is (hoping to become) the world's largest, collaborative suggestion box. The site allows you to create any topic you want (by default, you become the editor of each topic you create) and encourages you and others to collectively make suggestions that would improve the topic.
Each suggestion is voted on by the community and the best suggestions float naturally to the top while the least important suggestions fall to the bottom. The hope is that with enough passionatte users discussing their ideas to better a topic --- people will take note and the best suggestions will actually take foot.
For instance, say you have a bunch of ideas to make TV.com better. Go ahead and start the TV.com topic and post some suggestions to help make TV.com a better place. Others can then come in and vote on your suggestions (as well as make suggestions of their own) and with any luck your suggestions will actually be implemented on the site (please note -- this is not a garauntee that all or any suggestions will be fulfilled -- but I will personally be keeping an eye on that particular topic ;)).
What we need:
A passionate group of users to play with the site and give us feedback on features you would like to see as well as bugs you come across as you use it. We also encourage you to spread the word --- as more get people involved, the more interesting and fun the site will be.
Thanks guys :)