@drunkdolphins: twitter is pure cancer. what did you expect? have you ever seen comics tweets, etc in twitter? you get final stage of every cancer that exists
@luqmanr: Alita in the manga has big eyes. it was James decision to make her eyes big and i applaud him for wanting to keep it as faithful as possible to the manga
twitter can f*ck off. a bunch of freaking losers. Alita in the manga has big eyes. it was James decision to make her eyes big and i applaud him for wanting to keep it as real as possible to the manga. haters gonna hate
@rlg5150: "Don't be such a hipster" said the blind fanboy. content behind paywall = season pass and the rest DLC of Destiny 1= anti-consumer. without season pass you're screwed. that's anti-consumer. it's idiots like you, Mogan, johnyboy787, etc that Activision can do anti-consumer bs like in Destiny 1, and they will do the same for Destiny 2 since it worked for Destiny 1
@johnnyboy787: extra content like Destiny 1 season pass and The Taken King that was hinted in E3, etc videos before the game was launched? nice joke. it's idiots like you, Mogan, rlg5150, etc(and unfortunately you idiots are a lot) that Activision, etc can do bs like Destiny 1 season pass and TTK scam DLC's. content that was removed from the game was sold as $40 DLC. number 1 most scam DLC in gaming history
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